Adaptation of Bacterial Cells to Antineoplastic Agents May Increase the Risk of Post-chemotherapy In

来源 :BIT‘s2nd Annual World Cancer Congess-2009 (2009第二届癌症大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjkjlhj
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  Life-threatening infections have been reported in patients with cancer and have been ascribed to a lower ability of the host defense system.Infections can be caused by enteric bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Enterobacter species or bacteria usually found on the skin such as Staphylococcus aureus and S.epidermidis.Some types of eaneer, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, stem cell and bone marrow transplants and steroids can cause neutropenia, disrupt skin and mucosal barriers and impair the reticuloendothelial function.In this study it was questioned if the infections could also be the result of an increased resistance of bacteria due to adaptation to antineoplastic agents used in chemotherapy.
昏暗初显,那魔,吐着寒气,展开它冷酷的、宽大的翅膀,乘着冰冷的旋风,一片漆黑地翻腾着向我扑了过来,乌云从四面八方降临……  我来不及清醒,心在颤栗,头在眩晕,神经在抽搐,世界陡然变得混沌起来。瞬间,恐惧弥漫了我全身每一个细胞,脑海中浮现因脑溢血过世不久的母亲、因脑瘫变作“植物人”的老同学……我不由自主地深呼吸喘着气,发出声声叹息声。  丈夫走近身旁唤我:“怎么了?看你紧张成这副模样!”随即,他温暖
  While local tumor growth is managed relatively successfully by usual cancer treatment modalities (surgical excision, radio-and chemo-therapy), treatment of
美国国防部虽对采用纤维光学技术有些犹豫,但还是正在实施采用纤维光学的通信规划。 Although the US Department of Defense has some hesitation in adopting fiber optic
“...如同沐浴在温暖和煦的阳光中...尽情呼吸着大山深处清新的空气”——f Roots(英国权威民谣杂志)“…如水彩般飘逸柔美,如书法大师般苍劲有力”——Folk Radio UK(英国民
本文讨论ST-2用户电报交换机的系统结构以及TDMA技术在交换机中的应用。 This article discusses the ST-2 subscriber telephony switch system architecture and TDMA tec
  Hypoxia is a common characteristic of many solid tumors and is associated with poor prognosis.Hypoxia can lead to both altered ROS production and radioresis
以快速一维并行DCT变换核和三维转置矩阵为核心,构建3D-DCT硬件变换核,以解决高清晰度电视视频图像的实时压缩和解压问题。 With fast one-dimensional parallel DCT transf