
来源 :铁道工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaolong0804
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当前我国铁路主要干线的运输能力普遍紧张,而其中编组站更是突出的薄弱环节。由于点、线能力不协调、使编组站成为控制铁路运输能力的关键。编组站能力小的原因是多方面的,但其中主要的是由于编组站在路网上的布局不尽合理,配置不够恰当造成的。一些路网性编组站没有及时扩建提高其解编能力,形成强有力的拳头,而个别的地区性编组站规模又逐步扩大,由于布局上的缺陷,势必造成“站站推”或交错辅助的不合理分工,从而加大了机车车辆在站作业停留时间,影响了运输效率的提高和更好地完成任务。本文则针对上述情况,结合我国铁路车流的特点和发展趋势,提出当前我国铁路编组站在分工布局上所存在的主要问题,同时对今后我国铁路编组站在路网上的合理布局及其发展方向进行了初步探讨。 At present, the transportation capacity of the main railway lines in our country is generally tense, and the marshalling station is the most prominent weak link. Due to the uncoordinated point and line capabilities, the marshalling yard has become the key to controlling the railway transport capacity. Marshalling station capacity is small due to many reasons, but the main one is due to marshalling stations in the layout of the road network is not reasonable, the configuration is not properly caused. Some road network marshalling malls did not expand in time to improve their ability to disassemble and form powerful fists. However, the scale of individual regional marshalling stations has been gradually expanded. Due to the defects in layout, it is bound to cause “station push” or staggered assist Unreasonable division of labor, thereby increasing the locomotive rolling stock station stay time, affecting the transport efficiency and better completion of the task. Based on the above situation and the characteristics and development trend of railway traffic in our country, this paper puts forward the main problems that exist in the current situation of our country’s railway marshalling station in the distribution of labor. At the same time, the reasonable layout and development direction of our country’s marshalling yard on the road network A preliminary discussion.