Investigation of the Antitumour Effect of Xanthoceraside in Vitro and the Mechanism of Xanthocerasid

来源 :BITs 3rd Annual World Cancer Congress-2012(2012第五届世界癌症大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq310474070
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  The aim of our study was to investigate the antitumour effects of xanthoceraside, a new triterpenoid saponin, in four kinds of cancer cells in vitro and the mechanism of the induced cytotoxicity on A375.S2 cells by apoptosis.The results indicate that xanthoceraside significantly inhibited the proliferation of four kinds of cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner.Xanthoceraside also induces apoptosis in A375.S2 cells.The marked morphological changes including condensed chromatin, nuclear fragmentation and apoptotic bodies;and DNA ladder in agarose gel were observed.The apoptotic mechanism was that xanthoceraside treatment regulated Bad, Bcl-xL and Bcl-2 proteins, leading to mitochondrial depolarization, cytochrome release, AIF, Apaf-1 and easpase activation.Moreover, we confirmed that the Raf-MEK-ERK/JNK/p38 and PI3K-AKT-CREB pathway were involved in xanthoceraside-induced apoptosis.In conclusion, these results indicate that xanthoceraside induces apoptosis via a mitochondrial, Raf-MEK-ERK/JNK /p38 and PI3K-AKT-CREB pathway.
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