Precision Radiation Therapy and Precision Medicine Integration,Clinical Application and Outcome

来源 :2015首届肿瘤精准医疗论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:geona
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Radiation therapy technologies have significantly improved in the last few decades, from initial 2D planning/treatment to the current standard intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT).The implementation of IMRT presents a huge step forward in precision radiation oncology, which has transformed the radiation technology to deliver highly conformal radiation to tumor targets while maximally sparing normal structures.This has helped to increase tumor control and reduce radiation toxicities.Stereotactic radiosurgery could deliver ablative dose to tumor targets with minimal normal tissue damage.This has become a new treatment options for certain early stage cancers that are traditionally treated by surgery.For example, a recent study shows that stereotactic radiosurgery for early stage lung cancer produces similar tumor control and survival as surgery does.Newer technology such as proton therapy becomes available to more patients.
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