Analysis of shale gas forming Conditions of Wufeng-Longmaxi formation in Chongqing Qianjiang area

来源 :2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:titicool
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  Chongqing Qianjiang area is located in the middle of Wuling-West Hubei and hunan fold belt of Upper Yangtze region,Including parts of ChongQing Qianjiang,Youyang and PengShui,the area is about 1272.40km2.Through the special geological survey,two-seismic exploration,geological drilling,etc.we preliminary identified the geology and structure conditions of Chongqing Qianjiang area,confirmed the distribution range of Wufeng – Longmaxi formation is 836km2,the faults are well-developed and the preservation conditions are complicated.Combined the analysis of logging,gas content analysis,core analysis,we preliminary defines two favorable exploration area of Wufeng–Longmaxi formation,which are about 236km2.the thickness of Wufeng – Longmaxi formation is 75~85m in the favorable area,of which the thickness of the lower high quality shale is 21~25m,the buried depth is 1600 ~ 3500m,the organic content (TOC) is 1.65~4.96%,the degree of ripeness (Ro) is 2.4 %~2.9%,the fragile mineral content is 50% ~70%,the porosity is 0.7~3.7%,the permeability is 0.007 × 10-3 ~ 0.508 × 10-3μm2 and the gas content is 1.01~4.43m3 / t.Through the above work,we preliminary identified the basic geological characteristics of Chongqing Qianjiang area,thinking the Wufeng–Longmaxi formation of this area have the characteristics of sustained BTHI,temperate buried depth,temperate degree of ripeness,high fragile mineral content,low porosity - ultra low permeability,high gas content,indicating that Chongqing Qianjiang area has definite value of exploratory development.
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