Feeding Sgr A* from the Galactic centre star cluster: intermittent accretion and outflows

来源 :国际天文学联合会第312次专题会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linyi870821
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  We present numerical models of the gas dynamics in the inner parsec of the Galactic centre.We follow the gas from its origin as stellar winds of several observed young massive stars,until it is either captured by the central black hole,or leaves the system.Unlike our previous models,we include the expected outflow from the inner accretion flow.We find that the outflow perturbs the gas dynamics near the Bondi radius and the black hole capture rate significantly,and that these effects persist for longer than the outflow.Accretion rate estimates that do not account for feedback outflows over-predict not only the accretion rate onto the black hole but also the capture rate at the Bondi radius itself.Finally,the steady-state assumption under which non-radiative flows have been routinely studied in the literature may have to be abandoned if accretion feedback is bursty in nature.
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