
来源 :中国畜牧兽医学会兽医内科与临床诊疗学分会第八届代表大会暨学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linli881203
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  牛至油作为一种具有较高天然活性成分的中草药饲料添加剂,以其具有无残留、无耐药性、无配伍禁忌、促生长以及能够提升饲料转化率等优点备受国内外研究者和养殖者的广泛关注.该试验通过在产蛋高峰期鸡饲料中添加不同剂量的牛至油,研究其对蛋鸡生产性能、鸡蛋物理性质、肠道微生物区系、肠道消化酶、肠道形态结构以及肠道葡萄糖和小肽转运蛋白mRNA表达的影响,确定其适宜添加量,揭示其影响的分子机理,以期为开发利用牛至油提供试验依据.选取150只30周龄蛋鸡,随机分为5组.空白对照组(Ⅳ组)饲喂基础日粮,3个试验组(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组)及抗生素对照组(Ⅴ组)在基础日粮中分别添加50、100、150 mg/kg牛至油和100 mg/kg的10%硫酸黏杆菌素.预试期1周,试验期7周.试验结果:牛至油在蛋鸡饲料中的最适添加量为100 mg/kg.100mg/kg牛至油能显著提高蛋鸡生产性能,改善鸡蛋品质,有效调节肠道微生物区系平衡,提高胰蛋白酶、淀粉酶以及脂肪酶的酶活性,通过对绒毛高度、隐窝深度及V/C值的改变来改善肠道形态,增加葡萄糖转运载体(SGLT1、GLUT2)及小肽转运载体(PepT1)的mRNA表达量,进而改善蛋鸡肠道消化吸收功能.
Forty dairy cows with left displacement of abomasum were ultrasonographically examined to determine the position and the echogenic property of abomasum.In clinically, the existence of high-pitch ping
Fatty liver is a major metabolic disorder that occurs during early lactation in high-producing dairy cows.Sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) is an important transcription factor t
[Background]Selenium (Se)is an essential nutrient for the chicken.We recently reported that both insufficient and excess Se decreased growth in chickens.Oral Se administration to Se-deficient chickens
[Background]Recently,numerous studies have found high selenium (Se) influences the pancreas in mammals.However,little is known about the influence of high Se in the pancreatic tissue in avian.[Objecti
Selenium (Se) deficiency induces myocardial necrosis in chickens, but the exact mechanism remains unclear.The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary Se deficiency on 26 miner
Selenium (Se) is an essential nutritional trace element that affects the development and function of the reproductive system.Endometritis is a reproductive obstacle disease that can seriously reduce t
[Introduction]Assessment of human and animal exposure to mycotoxins is usually performed by the analysis of foods, feeds and beverages.However, a better method of assessing exposure to mycotoxins is t
硒是动物必需的微量元素,缺硒可引起鸡心肌损伤、炎症、糖代谢紊乱和胰岛素敏感性的改变。该试验通过高通量iTRAQ技术联合质谱鉴定的蛋白质学策略,动态研究并筛选鸡缺硒性心肌损伤中的蛋白组学的改变。结果显示,鸡缺硒性心肌损伤模型建立成功,心肌组织中共鉴定分析出2 877个蛋白,其中差异表达蛋白599个;应用Western Blotting以及RT-PCR对心肌组织进行表达验证可知,缺硒组心肌胰岛素通路相
[Background]Selenium (Se) incorporated in selenoproteins as selenocysteine and supports various important cellular and organismal functions.When selenium deficient, brain present the first priority gr
紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium aderwphorum)已成为危害我国最为严重的外来入侵物植物种之一.其主要毒素9-羰基-10,11-去氢泽兰酮(Euptox A)具有强烈的局部刺激作用.研究发现Euptox A对牲畜有毒,能引起家畜接触性皮炎,尤其对马属动物毒性较大,引起马哮喘.EuptoxA也能诱导小鼠肝毒性.试验旨在研究Euptox A杀螨和抗肿瘤活性,以期能筛选出Euptox A有益生物学