Estrogen promotes the growth of decidual stromal cells through estrogen receptor beta-mediated IL-24

来源 :中华医学会第七次全国妇科内分泌学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytxiaokang
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Background Interleukin-24 (IL-24) is a novel tumor suppressor gene, which has suppressor activity in a broad spectrum of human cancer cells.The present study aimed to elucidate the biological function of IL-24 and its receptors (IL-20R1, IL-20R2 and IL-22R1) in decidual stromal cells (DSCs) at human maternal-fetal interface.Methods The DSCs behaviors in vitro were verified by MTY and apoptosis assay, respectively.
目的 探讨雌三醇软膏在阴唇分粘术前的应用对分粘效果的影响.方法 将195例确诊阴唇粘连的患儿根据粘连分度随机分为研究组及对照组,其中研究组99例,分粘术前局部应用雌三醇软膏,每天2次,10天后进行分粘,对照组96例直接进行阴唇分粘.结果 研究组拟定治疗方案接受度为91%,对照组接受度为76%,研究组分粘成功率为99%,对照组成功率为95%.结论 阴唇分粘术前雌三醇软膏局部应用有利于阴唇粘连的治疗.
目的 了解太原市大学生生殖健康现状,为大学生生殖健康教育政策制定和实施提供科学依据.方法 2011年11月~2012年6月,问卷调查太原市7所大学医学(中、西医)、理工、文科、体育等专业约1493名在校学生,实际回收有效问卷1476份(98.86%).问卷涉及生殖健康需求、性态度、接触影像资料、性卫生知识和性病知识等4个部分.
Sex reversal is a very rare kind of disorders of sex development in which the chromosome sex is not matched with the functional gonads.An individual affected by 46, XY sex reversal will have functiona
Endometrial cells of endometriosis patients and cancer cells have similar biological behaviors, such as invasion, implantation, transfer and relapse.The tumor is one of the first discovered diseases r
Introduction Loss of functional mutations of the gene encoding GPR54, the putative receptor for the KiSS-1-derived peptide kisspeptin, has been found to be associated with abnormal puberty onset and h
目的 分析青春期女生月经失调发病的相关因,为今后积极有效地防治青春期月经失调的发生提供科学依据.材料与方法 选择苏州市区(沧浪区、平江区、金阊区、工业园区、高新区、吴中区、相城区)所有中小学及高等院校,采用分层整群抽样法,抽出12所学校65个班级从小学三年级到大学一年级的青春期女性作为研究对象,每位女生均填写"青春期女性月经情况调查表",共收回调查表1274份.
目的 探讨1例患有环状22号染色体综合征的无精子症患者的临床表型和遗传学特征.方法 收集1例环状22号染色体综合征患者的临床信息,结合文献加以分析.结果 患者身材矮小,体检双侧睾丸小,质地软,精液检查示无精子症.染色体分析其核型为46,XY,r(22) (p11,q25).
Objective The aim of this study was to access the effect of artificial oocyte activation with calcium ionophore A23187 on intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles for the patients with higher risk of f
目的 探讨HFE(haemochromatosis gene)基因突变与中国皖江地区汉族人群中男性不育是否具有相关性.方法 收集自2008年7月至2011年4月,来自皖南医学院弋矶山医院生殖医学研究所就诊的444例原发性男性不育患者(包括169例非梗阻性无精子症、211例少精子症和64例弱精子症),423例已生育(至少生育一孩)的精液分析各项参数均正常的健康男性为对照组.
Objectives To observe the different expression of CALB2 inthe testes of rats at different development stages.Methods Male SD rats at three development stages were used in this study.Thirty five rats a