Use of Role Model Stories to Overcome Barriers to Hospice among African Americans

来源 :第二届(2013)老年人口与健康产业国际会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wadfgh1234
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  Objectives: To test a brochure comprising hospice patient role model stories aimed at improving attitudes and knowledge of hospice among older African Americans.Design: Pre–post community-based study.Setting: Community-based organizations including senior centers,community exercise programs,churches,and senior care management services in greater Los Angeles area.Participants: Seventy-one African Americans aged 65 and older.Intervention: Hospice brochure containing theoretically driven role model stories portraying African Americans’ experience with hospice,their initial attitudes and beliefs about hospice,factors influencing their enrollment in the program,and outcomes following enrollment.Measurements: Change from baseline in attitudes toward,knowledge of,and intentions to enroll in hospice.Results: Mean knowledge scores (range,0-9) increased from 5.76 (standard deviation [SD]=2.12) at pretest to 6.95 (SD=1.90) at posttest (t=6.14,p<0.001).Average attitude toward hospice (range,12-72) improved 12.5% from 41.16 (SD=5.20) to 46.29 (SD=5.45) (t=7.52,p<0.001).Intentions to enroll a family member in hospice increased from 84.5% to 92.9% ( p=0.002) and intentions to seek hospice care for themselves increased from 83.1% to 95.8% ( p<0.001).Conclusion: This small pre-post pilot study found that exposure to a hospice brochure containing theoretically driven,culturally parallel,role model stories was effective in improving knowledge of and attitudes toward hospice as well as intentions to enroll a family member or self in hospice care.Further study is needed to determine the impact of using this brochure within a clinical setting.
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