Research on the Usage Patterns of Bathing Dining and Cooking Spaces in the Rural under the New Lifes

来源 :11th International Symposium on Environment‐Behavior Researc | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dh5601
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  In recent years,the rural residentsliving environment and living standards has been improving in Liaodong,the farmers have a huge lifestyle changed,the prominent one is the construction and the use of self-built houses.This article took the farm house of Mr.Ba in Quanshui Village of the Liaoyang Country in Liaoning Province as an example with the research methods of field mapping and interview.Through the investigation of the self-built house and its use mode,we recorded and analyzed the usage patterns of the spaces of bathing,dining and cooking under different conditions,such as family membersvisit and the season alternant.Under both rural and urban life style background,we summarized and compared the characteristics of rural type,urban type and semi-urban type,all which reflect the changes of lifestyle in the Liaodong area.Furthermore,the new development tendency of the farmhouses in the Liaodong area was analyzed briefly.
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