Minimal Invasive Surgery for the Huge Extrapleural Hematoma: A Video Presentation and Review of the

来源 :BITs 2rd Annual World Cancer Congress of Cardiology-2010(201 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:www359795792
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  Objective: Hemothorax is an old malady with clear guidelines of management.However, bleeding located into the chest but outside the parietal pleura recently termed extrapleural hematoma1 still poses critical issues in its management even in expert hands.Methods and Results: Our case is a 63-year-old man who was subjected to insertion of central vein catheter (CVC).The right carotid artery was accidentally penetrated causing serious and huge bleeding into the right chest.The pathognomonic sign of"parietal pleura-fat layer" described by Rashid 19992 in trauma patients was seen in CT scans of the chest, but was not observed due to the common attention obviously drawn by the more common bleeding "hemothorax".Chest tube drainage was ineffective.He was operated on using a transaxillary mini-thoracotomy.Extrapleural massive coagulated blood was evacuated, the redundant thickened parietal pleura was excised, and the chest wall was meticulously examined for any bleeders.The operative and postoperative course was smooth, fast track, and uneventful.Conclusions: We conclude that, the diagnosis and correct management of extrapleural hematoma is yet to be known for several clinicians in spite of their excellent clinical experience.The pathognomonic sign is an ideal tool to make the diagnosis and a modern minimal invasive surgery is to be recommended in huge hematoma.A review of the world literature and an operative video of the current case will be presente.
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【摘要】农村高中语文学习一直处于备受冷落的境地,家长、学生甚至不少老师一味追求分数,过分看重数理化的急功近利的做法导致农村中学不重视语文学习,学生语文成绩提高不上去,语文素养更不可能真正提高,语文老师也苦不堪言。“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。文章作者尝试着将这一思想渗透在语文教学中,力争改变这种萧条的状况。  【关键词】农村高中语文;教学现状;教学改革  【中图分类号】G633.3【文献标
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  Background: Employing a radial approach in patiens undergoing PCI decreses mainly local bleeding and by this way also cost of the procedure.However, limitin
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