Design,Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Cyclic Dinucleotide(CDN)Derivatives as Novel STING Ago

来源 :2015年全国药物化学学术会议暨第五届中英药物化学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harryhexiaoer
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  Host defense against foreign genetic elements is one of the most fundamental functions of a living organism.The presence of self or foreign DNA in the cytoplasm is sensed by eukaryotic cells as a danger signal or a sign of foreign invasion.Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase(cGAS)is a cytosolic DNA sensor mediating innate antimicrobial immunity.
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目的:本研究通过对不同错合畸形的牙弓形态、基骨形态的比较研究,探索牙弓形态与基骨形态的相关性。材料与方法:本研究样本来自北京大学口腔医院正畸科自2010 年至2013 年35 例严重骨性Ⅱ类错合患者和33 例骨性Ⅲ类患者的三维牙合模型。本研究采用R700 激光扫描仪扫描68 例严重骨性Ⅱ类和骨性Ⅲ类患者的牙合三维模型,使用Rapidform 2006 软件对模型进行定点(FA 点和WALA 点)、