Transcription Profiles Reveal Sugar and Hormone Signaling Pathways Mediating Flower Induction in App

来源 :2015全国植物生物学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssskstar
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  Flower induction in apple(Malus domestica Borkh.)is regulated by complex genes networks that involve multiple signals pathways to ensure flower buds formation in the next year,but the molecular determinants of apple flower induction are still unknown.In this research,transcriptomic profiles from differentiating buds allowed us to identify genes potentially involved in signaling pathways that mediate the regulatory mechanisms of flower induction.A hypothetical model for this regulatory mechanism was obtained by analysis available transcriptomic data,suggesting that sugar-,hormone-,and flowering-related genes,as well as those involved in cell-cycle induction participated in apple flower induction process.Sugar levels and metabolism-related gene expression profiles revealed that sucrose is the initiation signal in flower induction.Complex hormone regulatory networks involved in cytokinin(CK),abscisic acid(ABA),and gibberellic acid pathways also induce apple flower formation.CK plays a key role in the regulation of cell formation and differentiation,and in affecting flowering-related gene expression levels during these processes.Meanwhile,ABA levels and ABA-related gene expression levels gradually increased,as did those of sugar metabolism-related genes,in developing buds,indicating that ABA signals regulate apple flower induction by participating in the sugar-mediated flowering pathway.Furthermore,changes in sugar and starch deposition levels in buds can be affected by ABA content and the expression of the genes involved in the ABA signaling pathway.Thus,multiple pathways,which are mainly mediated by crosstalk between sugar and hormone signals,regulate the molecular network involved in bud growth and flower induction in apple trees.
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