Toward Development of The Potential with Angular Distortion for Halogen Bond: A Comparison on Potent

来源 :第十二届全国量子化学会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dian
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  The hydrogen bond and halogen bond have attracted more and more attention.In this work,12 halogen bonded and 3 hydrogen bonded models are adopted to scan the potential energy surface in the second-order M(o)ller-Plesset perturbation level of theory.The results show that the potential energy surfaces of both HB and XB are angular distortional and the energy components of SAPT decomposition shows that the dominant contribution to angular distortion comes from exchange repulsion term.The potential energy surfaces gets flatter with the elongation of the bond length and the potential well of XB was narrower than that of HB.The best fitting functions for angular distortional and the flatting character of angular terms are also studied and they are combined into a modified Buckingham potential to describe the anisotropic distribution of the charge density on halogen atoms.This work indicates that the character of the potential energy surface has been reproduced.These results will shed light on a better understanding on halogen bond and hydrogen bond and the optimization of halogen bond force fields.
本文采用运动方程耦合簇(EOM-CC)方法[1-2]考察了AuH2 的基态和能量较低的一些电子态(2∑+α 态,2∑+g 态,2△g 态和2Πg态)的性质。结合我们课题组所发展的处理闭壳层体系自旋轨道耦合(SOC)的耦合簇方法[3-5],考察了SOC 效应对这些态的能量、平衡构型和振动频率的影响。通过包含更高激发贡献的EOMIP-CCSDT-3 方法我们还考察了三重激发对该体系性质的影响。我们的结
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