Irrelevant features suppress selective attention in spatial working memory tasks--The processing of

来源 :武汉市第五届科学年会心理学分会场:中国心理学会普通心理与实验心理分会代表大会暨2012年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:go2mx
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  Memory-driven attention refers to attention that is directed by memory.This study aims to clarify whether the attentional manipulation or content in working memory influence the allocation of attention.The current study utilized a dual task paradigm: a spatial working memory task interposed by a visual search task.Participants were instructed to ignore irrelevant information in the memory task that we hypothesis if the irrelevant content would have hampered attention just as relevant content directed attention,we can draw the conclusion that it’s the manipulation rather the goal affect allocation of attention.The results suggest that distractors are inhibited in spatial working memory tasks,which helps to maintain attention and suppress selective attention during visual search.and more resource were required for shift our attention to these targets.We have gain a better understanding of how irrelevant features are processed in working memory and inhibitory representation of irrelevant information carry over to the visual search task.
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