Prior Trans-arterial chemoembolization-A protective factor against rapid HCV recurrence post liver t

来源 :2015中国外科周暨第25届国际外科、胃肠科及肿瘤科医师协会会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pudding_dophin
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Background HCV recurrence after liver transplant is nearly universal and results in progressive fibrosis,cirrhosis, graft loss, re transplantation and mortality.There are very few studies comparing impact of pre transplant HCC therapies either as a bridge to transplant or to downstage like TACE, hepatectomy ,RFA, PEI on HCV recurrence post transplant.
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Background Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a leading cause of mortality in patients with chronic liver disease.Curative treatment options include liver transplantation (LT), resection (LR) and ablat