Heavy metal patterns at regional and local scales in Campania region (Italy) geochemical mapping, so

来源 :The 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Env | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongxinghai
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  In the last decade a number of geochemical prospecting activities were carried out in the Campania region(Italy)with the purpose of characterizing the distribution of heavy metals in the environment at regional and local scale.During the 2013,the database reporting the distribution of 53 chemical elements in 3537 topsoil samples collected across the whole region was completed.Geochemical data,after necessary quality controls,were georeferenced to be loaded in a geochemical dedicated GIS software named GEODAS.For each element a complete set of map was produced to show the discrete(dot map)and the spatially continuous(Interpolated)distribution of concentrations across the regional territory.Interpolated maps were produced by means of the Multifractal Inverse Distance Weighted(MIDW).Baseline maps,characterized by geochemical patterns more regular and spatially continuous,were also produced for each element by applying to interpolated grid a specific filter(S-A Filter)aiming at cutting-off from the original grid most of the spatially limited anomalies.Data of Al,As,Ba,Ca,Co,Cr,Cu,Fe,K,La,Mg,Mn,Na,Ni,P,Pb,Sr,Th,V and Zn in the 3537 sample were also treated by means of a Compositional Data Analysis(CoDA)aiming at investigating the regionalised structure of the data by considering the joint behaviour of several elements constituting for each sample its whole composition.A regional environmental risk assessment was run on the basis of the regional distribution of heavy metals in soil,land use types and population.The risk assessment produced a ranking of priorities and located areas of regional territory where human health risk is more relevant and follow-up activities are required.
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