Biochemical individuality reflected in chromatographic profiles

来源 :DaLian Internationall Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatogra | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baobeidjlj
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  Living organisms reflect a highly complex conglomeration of biological molecules, which are organized in an interactive network of biochemical events.The approaches of "systems biology (proteomics, glycomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, etc.) now provide us with unprecedented opportunities to describe, in molecular terms, an organism under different physiological conditions and environment.The new biochemical profiling approaches based on capillary chromatography, electrophoresis, and biomolecular mass spectrometry can now be utilized for a better understanding of biochemical variations in different animal species due to a genetic make-up or mutations, physiological status, disease, or nutritional modifications.
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  It is a great honor for me to receive the M.J.E.Golay Award in 2007.Of course, this honor is not only for me, but also for the groups in DICP.In the early 1
41岁的野口美佳,虽没有读过大学,但凭借着自己的努力与拼搏,白手起家,开创了自己的公司,也激励了年轻一代的日本女性。  日本媒体评价说,野口美佳是一个“从不畏惧表达真实感受的人”。她总是大胆坦率,屡出惊人之语。野口美佳认为,自己的生活比任何她曾经读过的小说或者看过的电影都更加令人激动。    “女人的一生是服饰盛会”    野口美佳从21岁就开始创业。她从来没有上过大学。   她只知道一件重要的事
  Consumption of asparagus is known to produce a characteristic odor in urine.It has been shown that the cause of the odor is primarily due to the presence of
  Ion chromatography (IC) is a powerful technique for the separation of inorganic and small organic ions using high efficiency ion-exchange stationary phases.