Maltodextrin Nanoparticles as Mucosal Delivery System,Applications in Prophylactic and Therapeutic V

来源 :第六届中国医药生物技术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheney0105
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  Particulate colloidal carriers (ie liposomes, nanospheres or nanocapsules) were developed and are now proposed as a new approach for vaccine administration to improve antigen targeting and immunogenicity.A better knowledge of their mechanisms of interaction with cells and the biological fluids is necessary to fully understand their potential as delivery systems of antigens.If the physico-chemical characteristics of colloidal carriers allow targeting certain organ, tissues or cells, it is also possible using those systems to improve the intracellular penetration of macromolecules.This is illustrated by the delivery, with the aid of nanotechnologies, of proteins (antigens, cytokines) to the immune cells in order to develop a specific immune response able to protect or to cure infected animals.Most of nanotechnologies-antigens complex to formulate proteins implies surfactant, organic solvents,temperature conditions all these parameters are generally considered to be deleterious from proteins and is a limitation for further medical applications.To overcome these inconveniences, we developed a new concept based on porous nanoparticles to obtain protein loading in water without requiring any organic solvent or surfactant using the post-loading technique on pre-made nanoparticles.These nanoparticles made from starch hydrolysate (maltodextrin) can be used alone or associated with lipids.Proteins loaded are efficiently protected from proteolysis and antigens are highly delivered within cells and when administered intra-nasally or sub-linguallly this delivery vehicle was capable of eliciting humoral, cellular and mucosal immunity without the use of adjuvant.
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