Complexity Measure Based on Program Slicing and Its Validation

来源 :第八届中国可信计算与信息安全学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tingxin1
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  For a long time people pay widely attention to the program complexity measure which is one of the important methods for software quality management.However most of the existing complexity measures only involve one of the factors which influence the program complexity,such as the length of the program,control flow,data flow and so on.Some researchers have proposed some hybrid measures embracing many influential factors related to program complexity by weight sum and two-tuples.Whereas these measures cant reflect the potential interaction among programs.In this paper we propose a complexity measure based on program slicing (CMBPC) which includes many influential factors related to program complexity,for example the length of the program,control flow,data flow,data types of output variables and the interactive relation between programs.Therefore it can reflect the program complexity better.Only the measures that are validated can be accepted by people.The properties proposed by Weyuker to determine the effectiveness of the program complexity measures are widely used in the validation of the program complexity measure.In this paper we will validate CMBPC from the theory by proving that it complies with the property set proposed by Weyuker.
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  Aimed at loop fallacy.indeterminate serialization of suspicious nodes and local overload problems of suspicious information source traceback in net-flow exc
目的 本文研究雾化吸入布地奈德治疗小儿常见呼吸道疾病的作用.方法 研究时间为2020年1月到2020年12月,研究对象为本院收取的450例呼吸道疾病患儿,随机进行分组,每组患儿数量
以发放问卷的方式调查了我市菜农的植保素质及蔬菜田化学用药状况,通过分析调查结果,并结合蔬菜生产实际,提出了改进措施。 In the way of issuing questionnaires, we inve