A hybrid of BP network and H-H model to study neural genesis of mammalian respiratory rhythm

来源 :International Conference for Physiological Sciences 2012(201 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hcai5188
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  Most models of respiratory rhythmogenesis are built based on H-H principle, but without any substantive breakthrough.BP network is a widely used model to study artificial intelligent networks.This work is carried out to establish a new model of generation of respiratory rhythm with combination of the 2 models.Five basic respiratory neurons models were built according to H-H style.The data from them were used as input vectors of BP network.Phrenic discharge was considered as output vector.Final weights array was obtained by using MATLAB.Arithmetic platform was designed with the weights array.We chose 5-X-1 BP structure by using reported data about respiratory network models and got the best number (8) of hidden layer neurons.The event of a respiratory cycle was divided successively into 100 sets of data to test the Train, Validation and Test on ratio of 70∶15∶15, respectively.Each R of Train, Validation and Test is bigger than 0.9.It can be concluded that H-H style and BP network can be combined as a new method to build a highly feasible respiratory neural network model.
题图这幅照片,是南昆铁路上板其2号大桥的透视图。郁郁葱葱的山谷间,一座挺拔纤细的弯桥腾空而过,多么象深邃的夜空中悬挂的一弯新月,宁静皎洁。 这座设计独特的大桥,位于南
  The liver plays an important role in maintaining glucose and energy homeostasis by regulating gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, as well as mitochondrial o
据报道,近日广东省徐闻县西连镇连续发生多起怀疑因吃跳鱼引起的中毒事件,因中毒入院救治的村民已达11名,1人经抢救无效死亡。当地疾控部门怀疑中毒与跳鱼体内含有雪卡毒素有关。那么,什么是跳鱼?什么是雪卡毒素?中毒后有什么表现?应该如何预防?请看——     跳鱼有“水中人参”之美称    跳鱼俗称花跳鱼,又称跳跳鱼、大弹涂鱼,盛产于我国浙江、福建、广东、海南和台湾沿海滩涂地带。其体长约10厘米,头大,