Biofuels for Future Advanced Internal Combustion Engines

来源 :The 6th World Bioenergy Symposium(WBS 2012)(第六届国际生物能源会议) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mythzhang
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  With the booming of China economy, China has become the largest automotive market in the world.In 2011, more than 56% of the oil consumed in China depends on foreign oils.It is crucial to improve efficiency of internal combustion (IC) engines and broaden the use of local renewable fuels for nations energy security.Although biofuels are widely applauded for lower life-cycle carbon emissions, they may not be ideal candidates for the current IC engines which have long been optimized for petroleum fuels.In-depth understanding of biofuels combustion chemistry is critical to develop the future advanced IC engines.By taking the advantages of the unique properties of biofuels, the engine can be much more efficient and cleaner.The presentation will include the following major areas: fuel properties important for IC engines, fundamental biofuel combustion research needed for the future high efficiency and low emission engines, and the trend of the next generation biofuel research and development in the United States.
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