Structured Microgels through Microfluidic Synthesis and Assembly

来源 :第八届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第三届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议暨第五届国际微化学与微系统学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scarab1130
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  Microgels are colloidal gel particles with dimension in the range from tens to hundreds of micrometers,which are consisted with crosslinked three-dimensional polymeric network [1].One of the most important characteristic for microgels is their swelling to adsorb and to hold large amounts of aqueous solvent.Microgels have been seen a dramatic rise in drug delivery,cell encapsulation,tissue engineering,bio-sensing,bio-imaging,separation and micro-synthesis.Traditionally,microgels are prepares with high-shear techniques such as precipitation,spray-drying and phase separation.Microgels produced from these techniques have large size dispersity,high variability of uncontrollable structures and limited encapsulation efficiency [2].Recently,the droplet-based microfluidic technology offered a method to shape and assemble the microgels through physical shear forces without relying on chemical synthesis,which largely widen the application of microgels in biomedical fields.Droplet-based microfluidic is an effective,versatile and scalable approach to produce microgels with desirable features.The high degree of control endowed with microfluidic enables the formation of various functional microgels such as multi-compartment microgels,Janus-shaped microgels and non-spherical microgels.One of the most attractive features of these microgels prepared from droplet microfluidic is their monodispersity in size and shape [3].Droplet microfluidic production of microgels broadly consists of two steps,formation of pre-gel droplets via emulsifying pre-gels phase with oil phase and inducing solidification of the pre-gel droplets via chemical or physical gelation methods.In this study,poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEG-DA) and thermo-responsive microgels poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAm) are formed using cross-flow droplet microfluidic device.Results indicated the well-controlled size distribution and temperature response.
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摘要:课堂教学作为学生掌握知识的重要环节,需要教师在传授知识的同时,又使学生的学习能力得到提高,教书和育人同步进行,使学生的知识,思想和能力都能得到长足的发展和进步。  关键词:激发兴趣;物理教学;事半功倍  教学工作既是一门科学,又是一门艺术。一个成功的教育工作者,在教书育人的同时,又在创造着高尚的艺术。教师只有真正掌握了这门艺术的精髓,就可以是物理课堂教学蓬荜生辉,教学效率大大提高,教师就会给