Design of Oil Recovery and Garbage Collection Trimaran Driven by Propeller Wheel

来源 :2014中国国际潜水、救捞与海洋工程技术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kygl
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  A kind of oil recovery and garbage collection trimaran driving by propeller wheel is designed for cleaning up garbage and oil slicks in lakes, urban river and harbor coast and other water areas.The main structure of the trimaran includes hulls, propeller wheel, weir skimmer, garbage recovery device and oil-water separation device.In this paper, the working principles of trimaran main structure are described comprehensively, and the commercial software of Inventor is applied to build 3D models and virtual assembly for an intuitive display.The trimaran has the advantages of strong adaptability, good stability and multi-function integration for higher efficiency.The mainly devices of trimaran are simple and easy to produce with no technical limitations, which can be widely used throughout the country.
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