The role of myofibroblasts phenotype transformation on pathogenesis of ORNJ and treatment hypothesis

来源 :第十四次中国口腔颌面外科学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:water198206
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  Objective:Osteoradionecrosis of jaws(ORNJ)is considered to be one of the most devastating longterm complications of head and neck radiotherapy,which is still lack of ideal treatment.Recent literatures and our previous studies have shown that the excessive proliferation and secretion of extracellular matrix of myofibroblasts(MFB)played an important role in the radiation-induced fibrotic mechanism of ORNJ.MFB is an intermediate state cell which can transfer its phenotype stimulated by specific molecules such as BMP-2 or mechanical changes.This study was aimed to reveal the role of MFB phenotypic transformation in the pathogenesis of ORNJ,and to preliminarily explore the therapeutic effects of MFB phenotypic modulation by BMP-2 on ORNJ.Methods:Rabbits were divided into control group,low-dose(LD),middle-dose(MD),high-dose(HD)irradiation groups,and BMP-2 group.The time dependent and dose-related alteration of MFB,TGF-β1,Col Ⅰ and Col Ⅲ expression of the animal tissues were detected.MFB were cultured with tissue pieces harvested from the irradiated region of mandibles,and the expression of α-SMA,Col Ⅰ and Col Ⅲ were observed.The effects of BMP-2 on MFB were evaluated by the expression of α-SMA,Col Ⅰ and Col Ⅲ.BMSCs cultured from rabbits mandibles were irradiated and treated with BMP-2,and the expression of α-SMA,Col Ⅰ and Col Ⅲ were detected.Results:The extent of tissue damage,α-SMA positive cell number and staining intensity,and the expression level of TGF-β1,Col Ⅰ and Col Ⅲ were increased in the ORNJ tissues compared to the control group,and they increased with the radiation dose increasing,while decreased in BMP-2 group; α-SMA positive cell number and staining intensity,and the expression of Col Ⅰ and Col Ⅲ were increased while the expression of TGF-β1 was decreased over time.Compared to fibroblasts,MFB showed high-level expression of α-SMA,and the expression of Col Ⅰ and Col Ⅲ were increased.After treatment with BMP-2,MFB showed decreased expression of α-SMA,Col Ⅰ and Col Ⅲ.Being treated with BMP-2,the expression of α-SMA,Col Ⅰ and Col Ⅲ in irradiated BMSCs decreased significantly.Conclusion:The myofibroblasts phenotype transformation may play an important role in the pathogenesis of ORNJ and BMP-2 could regulate phenotypic of MFB,promote bone formation and reduce tissue fibrosis,which may have treatment effects on ORNJ and pave the way for a new and more effective therapy in the future.
目的:探讨Sommerlad 腭帆提肌重建术联合腭咽肌瓣咽成形术修复大龄腭裂术后腭咽功能及语音效果.方法:选择2013 年5 月至2017 年8 月在口腔颌面外科就诊的58 例大龄腭裂患者作为研究对象.实验组:男性18 例,女性13 例,年龄8.9~21.7(15.3±6.4)岁,均在全麻下行Sommerlad 腭帆提肌重建术联合腭咽肌瓣咽成形术修复.对照组:男性16 例,女性11 例,27 例,
研究目的:通过对腭裂术后继发腭咽闭合不全患者进行软腭再成形手术,观察腭咽闭合功能改善情况,探讨软腭再成形术矫治腭咽闭合不全的效果以及手术适应证.研究方法:58 例腭裂术后患者(年龄3 至28 岁,平均7.5 岁),临床诊断为轻度至中度腭咽闭合不全,腭咽间隙小于8mm.根据患者软腭条件和腭咽间隙大小,将患者分为两组,Ⅰ 组(36 例)采用改良Furlow 法进行软腭再成形手术,Ⅱ组(22 例)采用S
研究目的:通过不同语音任务的设定,研究正常汉语人群与语音功能相关的脑区及其功能,为进一步探索腭裂病理性语音相关的中枢机制奠定基础。研究方法:纳入正常成人26 人,男女比例1:1,研究中均使用普通话语音,排除方言影响。每个受试者均需完成三个任务状态:默读(受试者看无意义音节图片,在心中默念但不做发音动作)、跟读(受试者看音节图片的同时听标准引导音,然后模仿引导音进行发音)、拼读(受试者看音节图片,然
研究目的:与常规种植体比较,牵张式种植体(Distraction Implant,DI)结构明显复杂,容易导致种植体松动、固定螺丝折断、种植失败后难取出等问题。探索有效途径解决目前DI 应用的关键问题。研究方法:计算最佳的牵张式种植体结构设计。通过生物力学检测,比较牵张式种植体与常规种植体的生物力学性能。建立颌骨骨高度不足的动物模型。分别植入固位螺圈为可降解材料和纯钛材料的牵张式种植体以及常规种植
研究目的:前牙美学区种植义齿修复始终是口腔种植领域的关注点和难点。无论上前牙区还是下前牙区,其种植并非简单,由于上颌前部牙槽骨独特的解剖特点、牙列缺损或缺失后骨与软组织吸收的规律,使得前牙区种植与修复变得十分困难和富有挑战性。现代数字化技术,特别是趋于精准种植外科导板技术将为种植手术的计划与科学实施奠定基础。本文通过临床应用全程数字化技术,包括术前CBCT、模扫和或口扫、手术导板、ASC 或MTX
目的:通过32 例颞下颌关节滑膜软骨瘤病的临床及影像学特点分析,探讨CBCT 颞下颌关节造影检查对TMJ 滑膜软骨瘤病的诊断价值.方法:收集中山大学附属口腔医院1998 年6 月至2018 年5 月住院治疗的32 例颞下颌关节滑膜软骨瘤病资料,男性9 例,女性23 例,年龄22~82 岁(平均51.3 岁),主要临床症状为颞下颌关节区疼痛、杂音、张口受限和耳前区肿物,手术前均行全景片和许勒位检查,
Objective:A refractory OSAHS patient was cured by distraction osteogenesis(DO)which provoked our clinical consideration of OSAHS treatment Methods:This patient has experienced 9 kinds of OSAHS surgica