
来源 :中国空间科学学会空间生命专业委员会第二十届学术研讨会暨中国宇航学会航天医学工程与空间生物学专业委员会第四届学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zybzsj
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  It is crucial to elucidate the mechano-biological coupling mechanisms of how (micro-)gravity affects the vital processes and biological responses at cellular and molecular levels.Scientific issues are mainly focused on the following aspects: 1) How do the terrestrial organisms sense (micro-)gravity signals and what are the underlying mechanotransduction pathways? 2) How do the organisms adapt themselves to the (micro-)gravity environment? 3) How can we utilize the (micro-)gravity resource to promote space life science and develop space biotechnology? Here we propose, from the viewpoint of mechano-biological coupling in space, to elucidate the mechanical stimuli oncellular responses using a combined approach that coordinates biological function, mechanical measurements, and numerical calculations, and to develop the novel assays and techniques for both ground-based and space-payload tests.Typical case studies included are to reveal the mechanical stability of cells under gravity-directed vector and to uncover the impact of flow-induced mass transportation on cell growth in a space or ground-based bioreactor.These studies provide the bases in understanding mechanobiology of cellular responses to (micro-)gravity and establish an integrated platform for ground-based studies.Finally, the progresses of ongoing space mission validation are discussed.
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