Effects of precipitation variation on distribution pattern of soil bacterial diversity in broad-leav

来源 :International Symposium on Forest Soils(2013年森林土壤国际研讨会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ITlogileon
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  Broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest,which has important ecological value,is the climax vegetation in Northeast of China,and Changbai Mountains is an ideal area to study the positive and negative feedback of temperate forest on precipitation variation.In this study,we analyzed the spatial heterogeneity of soil bacteria at the depth of 0~5 cm and 5~10 cm,and thizosphere soil at 30%increase in precipitation,30%decrease in precipitation and the control plots in broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest of Changbai Mountains.There are 2991 81 valid sequences we sequenced in total,and 271496 sequences through optimized,average sequence are 33242 for each soil sample.The results showed that the diversity and the richness of soil bacteria decreased with soil depth.The diversity and evenness of soil bacteria responded differently for precipitation variation in two layers of topsoil,and the diversity and evenness of thizosphere decreased as precipitation increased.The dominant microorganism population in different precipitation plots were same,Proteobacteria,Acidobacteria,Planctomycetes,Actinobacteria and Chloroflexi.Precipitation variation did not change the type of advantage bacterium group but change its abundance.The response mechanism of dominant microorganism population for precipitation variations was different with each other.From the sample similarity,we found that precipitation variations influenced the soil bacterial community composition,and the response magnitude of topsoil differed from thizosphere.
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在许多人侈谈人生价值取向却莫衷一是的时候,一个普通中学教师用他来不及书写的遗愿交出一份出色的答卷。他叫叶荫堂,在山东省成武县一中任教。 1978年10月,校长说上级给我