MALDI In-Source Decay and ESI LC-MS/MSmapping of Protein-Drug Conjugates

来源 :第九届IUPAC化学生物学国际研讨会暨第八届世界华人药物化学研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:airleon29
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  MALDI in-source decay (ISD) allows for the rapid top-down terminal sequencing of intact proteins.The ESI LC-MS/MS bottom-upmethodis the traditional approach topcptide mapping and MS sequencing methodologies.Both of them arepowerful tools to characterize sequence modifications.These modifications could be either cell-based post-translational modifications,or intentional chemical modifications employed for drug development.The objective of this study is to utilize MALDI-ISD top-down and ESI LC-MS/MS bottom-up method to characterize unknown drug binding siteson therapeutic protein target.The initial work of this study is to utilize theability of intact mass detection and ISD method by MALDI TOF/TOF to simply and efficientlymonitor the mass shift on the intact and N-terminus of the protein.Through the specific 126 Damass shift on inz+2 ions of the protein iodination of histidine and tyrosine amino acidswas detected.To further confirmthe modifications,the protein was digested by trypsin and analyzed by ESI LC-MS/MS.
  Virtual screening is becoming a powerful tool for lead identification.Although numerous examples of structure-based or pharmacophore-based virtual screening
  A significant amount of drug candidates fail due to adverse safety issues,which has led to extensive efforts to implement and improve strategies for early i
【摘要】辩论不是简单的文字游戏,而是语言的艺术、思想的碰撞、更是智慧的交锋。本文从2017年中国辩论公开赛的辩题进行探讨英国议会制辩论赛赛制下的备赛培训,以期对其他兄弟院校培训及辩手参赛有所助益。  【关键词】英国议会制辩论赛 中国辩论公开赛 辩题 培训  【中图分类号】D756.1;H313【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)32-0235-01  引言  《墨子》有言:
湖南省儿童医院耳鼻喉科主任、主任医师  专长:儿童气管、支气管异物,食道异物,儿童鼾症,小儿鼻窦炎及出血等。  门诊时间:周三上午    收件人  发件人 宝宝妈妈  问题 常年鼻塞,有没有办法治好?  我女儿小时候就经常鼻塞、流鼻涕,先清后黄。睡觉常打呼噜,张口呼吸,有时不流鼻涕也鼻塞,夏天好一些,冬天加重。在她2 岁时,我们带她到医院看过一次,拍片结果为腺