Tendency of ironmaking in China after the 2nd decade of the 21st century

来源 :第五届宝钢学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sharkzw
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  Since the end of last century,China has been the leading iron and steel producer in the world.In the I st decade of 21 st century,Chinese iron and steel production approached a level of annual capacity over 600 Mt,and resulted in overcapacity of Chinese steel industry as well as a series of problems.Blast furnace ironmaking will still be the dominant ironmaking process in the 2lst century.Elimination of backward facilities,restructuring of blast furnace structure,rationalization of burden materials,energy saving and reduction of emission and environmental protection will be remaining as the crucial tasks in China after the 2nd decade of the 21st century.
每个月都会有很多人出生,若干年后,他们中的某些人在各自的领域取得了一定成绩,成为了名人,那么你知道有哪些名人是本月出生的吗? Every month a lot of people are born.
银幕上,她是一个“美丽坏女人”;舞台下,她是中华慈善总会的形象大使。而最让人料想不到的是,年纪轻轻的她还是一个健康生活的高手。 On the screen, she is a “beautiful
雕塑家滑田友出生在淮阴农村一个木匠世家,十六岁为自己作了一尊头像,并辗转送到时在南京中央大学艺术系任教的徐悲鸿手上。徐悲鸿为才华所动,立 She was born in a carpen
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