Internalization of Quantum Dots to Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Mortalin Antibody: Application to Carti

来源 :2011第三届中国北京抗体大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigboss555
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  Purpose: To track mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) labeled with internalizing quantum dots (i-QDs) in the reparative tissues following the allogeneic transplantation of three dimensional (3D) cartilaginous aggregates into the osteochondral defects of rabbits.Methods: QDs were conjugated with a unique internalizing antibody against a heat-shock-protein-70 (hsp70)-family stress chaperon, mortalin, that is up-regulated and expressed on the surface of dividing cells.The i-QDs were added to the culture medium for 24 hours.Scaffold-free cartilaginous aggregates formed from i-QDs labeled MSCs (i-MSCs) using a 3D culture system with chondrogenic supplements for one week were transplanted into osteochondral defects of rabbits.At 4, 8 and 26 weeks after the transplantation, the reparative tissues were evaluated macroscopically,histologically and fluoroscopically.Results: At as early as 4 weeks, the defects were covered with a white tissue resembling articular cartilage.In histological appearance, the reparative tissues resembled hyaline cartilage on safranin-O staining throughout the 26 weeks.In the deeper portion, subchondral bone and bone marrow were well remodeled.On fluoroscopic evaluation, QDs were tracked mainly in bone marrow stromata with some signals detected in cartilage and the subchondral bone layer.Conclusions: We showed that the labeling of rabbit MSCs with anti-mortalin antibody-conjugated i-QDs is a tolerable procedure and provides a stable fluorescence signal during the cartilage repair process for up to 26 weeks after transplantation.The results suggest that i-MSCs did not inhibit and indeed contributed to the regeneration of osteochondral defects.
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