A New Class of Biomarkers:Genomic Markers for Prostate Cancer Risk,Diagnosis,and Chemoprevention

来源 :中国工程科技论坛第115场——临床分子诊断暨第二届中国分子诊断技术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:netfate
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  Approximately three dozen germline genetic markers have been consistently associated with prostate cancer (PCa) risk.In the past several years, we have developed a genetic panel of 33 PCa risk-associated SNPs and demonstrated that it can distinguish individuals risk to PCa in a large randomized clinical trial (the REDUCE trial).The genetic markers performed significantly better than established PCa markers including PSA and family history.Furthermore, we demonstrated the statistically significant added benefit of the genetic markers to the best clinical model consisting of five parameters.As a result, the risk categories of one third of the men were reclassified by adding genetic markers to the best clinical model.Regarding the utility of genetic score in identifying men who benefit most from the chemoprevention, we found that men at highest genetic score and have a positive family history had highest PCa reduction rate.Furthermore, in contrast to the previous reports that chemoprevention increased the risk to high-grade PCa, we observed that it reduced the risk to high-grade PCa in men with highest genetic score and positive family history.These results suggest that genetic markers may be used to improve the performance of existing clinical parameters in determining the need for prostate biopsy and chemoprevention.Similar findings were observed in Chinese men.
据报道,柳松菇系异宗结合的四极性真菌,但存在同核体结实现象(Jacques Labarere,1992)。对我国现栽柳松菇菌种的遗传特征及生活史研究发现,由营养生长进入生殖生长,产生不正
1 引言目前现有的军用前视红外通用模型系统中,有一个固有的问题,那就是热况的动态范围远远超出系统显示的动态范围。当前用在前视红外系统的显示装置,其动态范围约为30分贝
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蒲公英在夏季里能给您的生命一股清新的力量,因为她的苦,你才能尝到更多的甜,这和人生的道理是一样的。大自然会给你无穷的力量,哪怕是匍匐地面的小草,都那么神奇、那么有力量,譬如,最不起眼的蒲公英。  蒲公英是嗓子疼的救兵。  同属草类,蒲公英是“草根”形象,比起“冬虫夏草”相形见绌,可是,后者虽说可以提高免疫力,但是对嗓子上火、扁桃体发炎却是无能为力,而且,还会加重上火势头,这时,“救兵”非蒲公英莫属