Randomized Controlled Trial of Volunteer Mentorship Programme for Young Adults with Deliberate Self-

来源 :国际预防自杀协会(IASP)第26届世界大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:starcui123
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  Background: Previous studies found that continuity of care, problem solving therapy, easy access to services for and brief contacts are effective in reducing re-attempt rates of individuals with deliberate self-harm behaviours (DSH).Volunteers are one of the largest forces in helping people with suicidal behaviours since 1950s; however, little is known about the efficacy of their support in helping DSH patients.This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of volunteer mentorship in reducing the re-attempt rates of young people with DSH who presented themselves ataccident and emergency units of general hospitals.Methods: DSH patients aged 18-34 with low to moderate suicide risk (Beck Suicide Intent Scale: 0-12) are randomly assigned in either the control or the subject group after they are discharged from public hospitals.Trained volunteer mentors are assigned to provide a nine-month follow-up service to DSH patients in the subject group.The follow-up services consist of emotional support, information of community services, guidance on problem solving and referrals to professional services.Three times of measurements are conducted for both the subject and control group at the 0, 3-mth and 9-mth interval based on measurement outcomes including the level of suicide risk, number of re-attempts, level of hopelessness, problem solving ability and help-seeking attitude of all DSH patients.The presentation will discuss the volunteer mentorship scheme as an intervention, preliminary findings of the first batch of DSH patients and the challenges of case recruitment due to poor treatment compliance behaviours of DSH patients.
【摘 要】目前,我国高师学前教育专业的音乐教学,缺乏学前教育特色,教学效率低下,培养出来的幼教人才在音乐教学方面存在很大缺陷。关注成功的儿童音乐教育思想和体系,是探索具有“学前特色”音乐教学的有效途径之一。  【关键词】奥尔夫;音乐教学;学前教育  【中图分类号】J 603 【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2009)4-0118-02    学前教育专业是师范教育中一个非常特殊的
[摘 要] 根据多年来施工方面的实践经验,参照有关国家和地方规范规程,对静力压桩法施工质量控制提出一些措施。以确保管桩施工质量。  [关键词] 预应力混凝土管桩 静力压桩法 质量控制  1.前言  预应力混凝土管桩是近年来我国引进日本、美国等发达国家的先进生产技术而研究开发的一种新型预制桩,静力压桩法施工具有无噪声、无振动,很少因施工扰民而引起投诉。管桩工厂化制作、质量有保证、型号规格
在对黄河流域九省 (区 )土地面积和固定资产投资情况进行分析的基础上 ,按投资指数的高低 ,确定陕、晋、宁、豫、甘五省 (区 )为研究对象 ,选取国内生产总值、粮食产量、农民
[摘 要] 房屋建筑工程消耗大量的资源,它投资大、建设周期长、综合性强,关系到建设各方的经济利益,对国民经济的影响重大。因此,在房屋建筑工程中如何进行有效的工程造价的管理,是施工企业需要格外关注的课题之一。尤其作为工程建设全过程中资金投放量最大的施工阶段,更是必须加强造价的控制与管理。鉴于此,本文对房屋建筑工程施工阶段工程造价进行了探讨。  [关键词] 造价 施工 预算  一、前言  
  Background: In South Africa, one in five adolescents tries to commit suicide.Suicide attempts continue to rise.One-to-one semi-structured interviews were co
雕金文具1981年鸟鸣酒具包装、装溃1974年③翼③髓。22头茶具包装装淆1976年酒具、花瓶与杯碟包装198()一1982年葫芦酒具与包装】98()年肖禾高级工艺美术师作品选 Carved gold