A General Approach to Structure-Property Relationship:From ATPR Modeling to Advanced Polymer Applica

来源 :2014年全国高分子材料科学与工程研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baby3911
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  In recent years, atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) is known as a robust reversible-deactivation radical polymerization (RDRP) method in well controlling molecular weight, polydispersity, and high retention of chain-end functionality, as well as facilitating high grafting density on solid surface.However, the multi-scale generalization study of ATRP system for establishing the relationship between structure and property is relative lack.As well-known, synthesis methodology has great impact on the molecular structure, for example, batch copolymerization leads exclusively to random copolymer, and di-block copolymer can be produced by sequential homo-polymerization.1 Meanwhile, semi-batch polymerization can easily be performed to create polymeric materials having a gradient composition.Our recent researches focus on establishing model for estimating kinetic parameters, optimizing polymerization conditions, and simultaneously tailor-making copolymer composition and properties.2-5 We also have an attempt to complete a chemical product pyramid about the triplet "molecular structure-properties-synthesis methodology" multi-scale study.In conclusion, our aim is to fabricating a useful product with desired function from individual molecules based on chemical polymerization method and chemical product engineering perspective.It connects the microscopic and macroscopic world and bridges the gap between chemistry and chemical product engineering.The product engineering from polymer chemistry is ongoing in our group.
2003年10月15日9时整,酒泉卫星发射中心载人航天发射场。随着一声“点火”令下,长征2F 火箭托举着“神舟”五号飞船拔地而起,飞向茫茫太空。10月16日,我国第一位航天员在太
湿发入睡有害健康有些人因白天工作忙、应酬多,只好在晚上洗头,头发未干就睡觉。其实,这样的做法对健康很不利。因为这会使大量的水分滞留于头皮表面。睡觉时,头 Wet hair f