Synthesis and Analysis of N-links Assur Group Model based on a new Topology Method

来源 :2012中国机构与机器科学国际会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ASGSXX1
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This paper educes the expressions between the numbers of pairs, links with more than two pairs, inner pairs and outer pairs in the Assur Group, extends the theory about Assur Group and lists 2,4,6 and 8 links Assur Group eigenvalues. Based on these, a new topology drawing method is addressed, with this method can get many different Assur Group Models with same eigenvalue. Then Model Array is addressed to realize the Assur Group numeric expressing. The above research provides a new method for mechanism model synthesis based on Assur Group, Assur Group eigenvalue can also be used to identity and creative design mechanism, an example is listed to validate its rationality.
针对输出采样周期是输入更新周期N倍的多速率分段线性系统,本文提出了保证稳定性的显式预测控制器设计方法。 首先, 基于动态规划原理将预测控制优化问题分解为多个单级优化问题;然后, 根据分段线性系统各子模型以及目标函数的具体形式, 进一步将各单级优化问题分为若干个子问题, 再利用多参数二次规划方法求解; 最后, 通过比较各子问题的解从而得到系统的最优显式控制律。 在设计过程中, 将系统的最大正不变集作
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