Nanosized Antivirals from Natural Sources for Treatments of Human Papilloma Virus Infections and Gen

来源 :BIT Life Sciences' 1st Annual World Cancer Congess-2008( | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:j443191910
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  Widely spread sexually-transmitted diseases like genital herpes, caused predominantly by the infection with Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2, and human papilloma virus (HPV) infections pose considerable threat to global health.There is no efficient HSV vaccine developed yet; acyclovir derivates inhibit HSV replication to some level, however, the drug-resistant mutants of HSV and the dosage problems may develop with time.High-risk types of HPV occasionally lead to genital and anal squamous cell cancers.There is no efficient antiviral against HPV developed yet, existing vaccine may only protect women from infection.New nanosize anti HSV and HPV drugs of natural origin were tested in vitro for the inhibition of viral replication in permissive cell cultures, including organotypic cell cultures.The results show inhibition of viral replication for up to 85% when very low concentration of antiviral nanoparticles were used.Even high concentrations of antivirals were nontoxic in cultures.In acyclovir control the inhibition of replication never exceeded 70%, as compared to control.In HSV+HPV experiments preincubation or coincubation with low concentration of antivirals inhibited viral replication for up to 80%.
1957年我调入上海中国画院,和唐云先生等一起参与建院工作,之后,又一起担负书画创作和画学研究活动,长达35年,相知既深,终成莫逆。 1993年9月26日,唐先生因心肌梗塞住入华东
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  Human Papilloma Viruses are non-enveloped, double-stranded DNA viruses.More than 100 HPV types have been detected, with >80 types sequenced and classified.A
珍稀作物资源—香芋一、分类概况 香芋是豆科土儿属(ApiosMedik.)土儿种的变种,称变种土儿、食用土儿,通称香芋。野生土儿分布于黄河中下游及以南各省区。土儿属全世界有10种,我国有7种。已知香