The Evaluation of Bilingual Education inCoUeges and UniverSities From a New Perspective

来源 :北京师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyhhappy
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Ever since year 2000,our country,in endeavoring to promote students’English abilities,advocated bilingual education in Universities and Colleges.Inresponse,teachers from all over the country have been working in this domain andpublished tens of thousands of relative research papers and articles.Recently,moreresearchers are concerned with the appraisal of bilingual education in order to find outits effectiveness,however,most of these researchers stand on the perspective of thecourse itself,which made their results relatively parochial.In school teaching,theauthor found that factors should be evaluated from a higher perspective.This paperattempts to give such an evaluation system to assess the bilingual education of aschool from much thorough aspects.
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