Exploration of HTCC hydrogel as intranasal immunization delivery system for H5N1 split vaccine

来源 :2013年中国药物制剂大会——中国药学会药剂专业委员会2013年学术年会暨国际控释协会中国分会2013年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guyueer83
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  Vaccination is an important means to prevent and control infectious disease.Current vaccines of H5N1 are inactive virus, attenuated virus and split virus, among that split virus has the advantage of safety and thus obtain widespread application.However, split vaccines are too weak to stimulate enough immune response.Hence adjuvants are usually needed to help boosting immunity effect.On the other hand, for respiratory diseases like H5N1, pathogens invade human body through respiratory mucosa, thus intranasal immunization which simulates the natural infection process could be a more effective method to form a powerful mucosal barrier to resist re-infection at the first site.Neverthless, intranasal immunization is faced with two major drawbacks.One is the fast nasal mucociliary clearance, leading to the short antigen residence time in nasal cavity.The other is the tight junction between nasal epidermal cells resulting in the difficult antigen uptake by APCs.For this reason, intranasal immunization requires adjuvants as well.
随着教育部针对课程的调整,很多教师与学生降低了对本门课程的重视程度,但这门课自身却有着强大的生命力。学习“当代世界经济与政治”,有利于大学生用历史唯物主义观点和方法观察世界,了解和把握当代世界经济、政治与国际关系演变及其问题;有助于我们借鉴外国的经验,加速我国建设中国特色的社会主义现代化事业;从而能够正确地认识中国与世界, 理性地分析中国问题与国际问题。此外,本门课也是硕士研究生入学考试中政治理论
  The polymer with appropriate hydrophilicity is critical to the design and preparation of a drug release system.We employed poly-(monomethoxypolyethylene gly
【摘要】教师要认识作业批语和作文评语的意义、作用和目的。掌握作业批语和作文评语的原则和要求,改进写法,要特别注意研究因材施评,做到批(评)语育人。  【关键词】因材施评;评语育人  【中图分类号】G632 【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2010)04-0039-01    教师在批改作业或作文时,常会给学生下批语或评语,好的评语批语会对学生的学习起到积极的作用。但有的教师对此不
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