NORM Exposure in China

来源 :第七届国际天然放射性物质研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hgscmey
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  In this paper,it has an overview of the exposure to Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in China.China is a most populous country with vast territory.Many individuals may be incurred with natural exposures from various human activities concerned with NORM in China,such as uranium mining and milling,coal-mining and electricity production of coal-fired power plants,metal and other types of mineral ores,travel by airplane and tourism in cave dwelling and underground cave,etc.Individuals are always incurred with radon exposures at home,work,school and all indoor spaces they enter,etc.Here it is mainly concerned with the NORM exposure as following types of activities in China: (a) Uranium mining and milling; (b) Coal mining and its electricity production; (c) Other mines mining and their processing; (d) Travel by airplane; (e) Tourism in cave and its dwelling; (f) NORM residue as building materials; (g) Mining of oil,natural gas and geothermic resource,etc.Here it is provided with an estimation of the level of exposure to NORM radiation and the related numbers of individuals in China,and also made some discussions about radiological protection issues of NORM exposure.
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