来源 :第二届SOLAS国际开放科学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangqin0629
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  Climate change in the 21st century is expected to cause warming of the surface ocean,melting of the sea ice and stratification of the mid and high latitudes with unknown consequences for the nutrient cycles and the marine ecosystems.To understand how marine DMS fluxes will respond to climate change,we develop and evaluate a prognostic DMS model within the framework of a global Dynamic Green Ocean Model that includes three phytoplankton functional types and two zooplankton functional types.Our prognostic DMS model takes into account the different pathways from particulate Dimethylsulphonioproprionate (DMSPp) within the phytoplankton cells to the DMS emission at the sea-air interface.We test the effect of different parametrisations on the model results and the dependence of DMS emission on the phytoplankton functional type diversity and we study the coupling behaviour of DMS and chlorophyll-a,comparing the high latitudes with the tropics.Particular emphasis is given to the representation of the seasonality and spatial distribution of DMS and the light dependence of the processes involved in DMS production.The model reproduces the observed inverse relationship between mixed layer depth and DMS,which is primarily explained by the light dependence of the DMSP/C cell ratio of the individual plankton functional types and partly by the ecosystem composition.
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The kinetic aspect of gas transfer across the air-sea interface is often parameterized with respect to wind speed.The largest uncertainty in the nonlinear parameterization occurs at higher wind speeds
SOLAS research is an expanding field in Spanish marine and atmospheric sciences.Ongoing activities include: 1) Assessment of the sources and sinks of CO2 in the Atlantic and Antarctic Oceans - a contr
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A meso-scale iron-enrichment study (SEEDS II) was carried out in the western subarctic Pacific in 2004 summer.The iron-patch was traced for 26 days which included observation of development and declin
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In the past 200 years,the oceans have absorbed half of the CO2 emitted by human activities such as fossil fuel burning.This uptake has lead to a reduction of the pH of the surface water.The effects of