Changes in soil carbon and nitrogen stocks followed the conversion from secondary forest to Chinese

来源 :第十一届中国竹业学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fever1879
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  Land use change is the second main reason for carbon(C)emissions after fossil fuel combustion,and it is recognized as an important driving force for soil organic carbon(SOC)and soil nitrogen(N)dynamics.Conversion of the secondary forest to Chinese fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata [Lamb.] Hook)and Moso bamboo(Phyllostachys heterocycla [Carr] Mitford cv.Pubescens)plantations represents one of the most important land use changes in subtropical China.However,the effects of these land use changes on the SOC and N stocks were not well documented.Therefore,in this study soil samples were collected in a secondary forest,a 17-year Chinese fir and a 18-year Moso bamboo plantation after the conversion from the secondary forest in November 2013,and total SOC and N concentrations were measured.Total SOC and N concentrations decreased with soil depth over the 0-50 cm in three land uses,and they were significantly higher in the secondary forest than those of Chinese fir and Moso bamboo plantations; however,these concentrations were not significantly different between Chinese fir and Moso bamboo plantations.Top soil(0-10 cm)accumulated one third of total SOC and N stocks.SOC and N stocks in the secondary forest were significantly higher than those of Chinese fir and Moso bamboo plantations with values of 203.68,127.34 and 118.25 t·ha-1 for SOC stock and 9.24,5.10 and 6.35 t·ha-1 for N stock.The results indicated converting the secondary forest to Chinese fir and Moso bamboo plantations significantly decreased the SOC and N stocks over 0-50 cm.
摘要:在初中阶段,数学是一门极为重要的学科,学好数学不但能够提升学生的逻辑思维能力,而且能够提升空间想象力,对于学生今后的成长有重要的作用。北师大版初中数学教材是一本运用极广泛的初中数学教材,其具有鲜明的教学特点,而且其中所包含教学理念十分先进,本文就北师大版初中教材进行了相关探究和分析,希望能够为相关教育工作者提供一定的帮助和支持。   关键词:北师大版;初中数学,教学研究  中图分类号:G6