
来源 :第十五届海峡两岸三地环境资源与生态保育学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andy1li
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  The Chestnut Tiger(Parantica sita niponica)mainly distribute at Taiwan and Japan,the habitat selection of adults has the phenomenon of seasonal vertical movement and horizontal movement.Since 1997,Taiwan in cooperation with Japan,was conducted Mark-Release-Recapture of the Chestnut Tiger.Until 2013,18 individuals of the Chestnut Tiger marked in Japan,were recaptured in Taiwan,also 4 individuals marked in Taiwan,were recaptured in Japan,and the recaptured Chestnut Tiger from Taiwan to Japan,all are marked at Yang-Ming-Shan National Park.From 1999 to 2003,in the breeding habitat of the Chestnut Tiger at Erzushan forest of YMS National Park,we surveyed the life table of the Chestnut Tiger and found the Chestnut Tiger have a breeding peak in March and November,but only a few remnants of the individual breed in the summer and were parasitic by Ichneumon.The Chestnut Tiger in YMS National Park breed 2~5 generations per year.We was conducted Mark-Release-Recapture of the Moving Danaidae of Tatachia Area in Yusan National Park from 2007 to 2009,also found the Chestnut Tiger has leap Tatachia Area towards the south for overwinter,but the individuals of Chestnut Tiger in the overwinter gathering of danaid butterflies in southern Taiwan are rarely,where are the Chestnut Tiger went,it is worth further study theme.So,the habitat selection strategies of the Chestnut Tiger in winter at Taiwan,there are multiple adaptations.
工业生产中,很多物系是高粘假塑性流体,生产过程中需要在机械搅拌式反应釜中搅拌混合。如何强化高粘假塑性体系的混合过程成为目前混合工程研究的一个重要内容。  机械搅拌式