Effects of Helicobacter pylori treatment,vitamin and garlic supplementation for gastric cancer preve

来源 :2019中国肿瘤学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengyo
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  Objective Based on 22.3-year follow-up of the Shandong Intervention Trial,we recently found that Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)treatment and vitamin supplementation were associated with a significant decrease in gastric cancer(GC)incidence and mortality; garlic supplementation was associated with a non-significant decrease in GC incidence and a significant decrease in GC mortality.
Objective Gastric cancer(GC)is expected to rank as the fifth most common neoplasms and the second cause of cancer-related death across the globe.Previous genomewide association studies(GWAS)have ident
Objective Gastric cancer(GC)is one of the most common malignancies worldwide.In China,gastric cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death
目的 探索既往基础疾病史对乳腺癌术后总体生存率的影响,建立既往疾病评分系统并对预测评分的预测准确性进行验证。基于不同既往疾病评分与乳腺癌患者相关流行病学和临床病理学因素间的交互作用进行人群分层,研究不同临床治疗效果差异,以期进一步指导乳腺癌患者术后的个体化治疗。
Objective Some studies have shown that Lysine Methyltransferase 2C(KMT2C),a relative gene of histone methyltransferase family,is an important coding gene of epigenetic modification.KMT2C mutates frequ
Objective Breast cancer is a worldwide problem causing the most common death in women.In China,the incidence of breast cancer has increased dramatically in recent years,but the epidemiologic factors a
Objective Metabolic syndrome is now both a major clinical problem and a common public health problem.Few researches have reported the relationship between metabolic syndrome and the risk of renal cell
目的 肺癌位居我国恶性肿瘤发病及死亡首位,预后较差.既往研究已证实低剂量螺旋CT(Low-dose computed tomography,LDCT)筛查可有效降低肺癌死亡率,但存在假阳性率过高的问题.因此,利用肺癌风险预测模型筛选肺癌高风险人群,提高筛查效率,对于肺癌预防和控制意义重大.为了解肺癌风险预测模型构建与验证的研究进展,为后续研究开展提供参考,开展综述研究.方法 本文系统检索中国知网、
目的 了解肿瘤患者营养不良的发生情况.方法 本研究摘取“常见恶性肿瘤营养状态与临床结局相关性研究”2013 年7 月27 日至2018 年11月20 日的调查数据,以《肿瘤病人提供的主观整体营养评分量表》作为营养不良诊断标准(0-1分:营养良好,2-3 分:可疑营养不良,4-8 分:中度营养不良,≥9 分:重度营养不良),报告入组患者营养不良的检出率.结果 摘录数据共纳入38270 名恶性肿瘤患者
Objective Purpose: An analysis of circulating tumor cells was combined with low-dose CT to screen and diagnose early stage lung cancer patients Methods Experimental Design: A total of 2508 subjects wi
Objective The incidence of cancer is increasing globally and what is following is the prevalence of malnutrition in cancer patients,which may vary between 25%and 80%..In cancer patients,malnutrition h