Early Risk of Suicide and Non-suicide Deaths After An Episode of Attempted Suicide: National Suicide

来源 :国际预防自杀协会(IASP)第26届世界大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mqs129977
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  Background: Suicide attempters are risk of suicides and non-suicide deaths and such risk developed immediately after their attempts.However, no study focused on this critical period.The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of suicide attempters about their risk of suicide and non-suicidal deaths within 7 days of index suicide attempt.Methods: We obtained data of suicide attempters from the National Suicide Surveillance System from 2006 to 2008 in Taiwan.All attempters were followed-up of their mortality for one week after their index suicide attempts.We compared the attempters died of suicide and non-suicidal causes, and alive within 7 days of attempts by logistic regression about their sex, age, past mental disorders, attempt methods, and received aftercares.Results: Among 51,894 suicide attempters, 798 (1.5%) died of suicides, 256 (0.5%) died of non-suicidal causes, and 50,840 (98.0%) alive within 7 days of index attempt.89.3% of suicide completers used the same method of their index attempt.We found 8.0% of index attempters without received aftercares died of suicide eventually, however, only 0.3% of index attempters received aftercares died of suicide.Suicide attempters who were males, age more than 45 years, used other gas, hanging, jumping, and not received aftercares have more risk of suicide deaths.However, attempters age 15-24 years and used cutting were less likely to have suicide complete.Suicide attempters who were males, age more than 45 years, using jumping, and not received aftercares had more risk of non-suicide deaths.In contrast, suicide attempters who were age 15-24 years, used cutting and other gas were less likely to die by non-suicide causes.Conclusion: Early aftercares are important which could effectively reduce the risk of suicide and non-suicidal causes of deaths within 7 days of their suicide attempts.The aftercares should target on the risky attempters to prevent their deaths.
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