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开发区经过30年的发展,通过深化改革开放,推动科学发展,成为扩大对外开放的重要平台、承接国内外产业转移的主要载体、促进区域经济发展的重要增长极。尽管经济技术开发区取得了很大的成绩,但是大多数开发区经济发展的总量还不大,质量也不是很高,对母城和周边地区经济的辐射和带动作用力度还不大,市场体系建设也不够完善,经济运行机制和行政管理体制还需进一步创新,对外开放功能仍需进一步深化。在新的国际国内形势下,一些突出问题需要引起高度重视和亟待解决。 After 30 years of development, the zone has become an important platform for opening up to the outside world by deepening reform and opening up and promoting scientific development. It has taken the major carriers of industrial transfer both at home and abroad and has promoted the important growth pole of regional economic development. Although the economic and technological development zones have made great achievements, the total economic development in most development zones is still small in scale and the quality is not very high. Therefore, the economic and radiation effects on the mother city and the surrounding areas are not strong enough. The market The system construction is not perfect enough. The economic operation mechanism and administrative system need to be further innovated. The function of opening up to the outside world still needs to be further deepened. Under the new international and domestic situation, some outstanding issues need to be given high priority and are urgently resolved.
我国水电建设已经进入高峰期,随着水电的建设,水电站输电系统规划成为一个重要环节。本文结合新疆经济的发展,以开都河中游河段流域的水电开发为研究对象,研究了新疆开都河流域中游河段水电站输电系统规划。本文主要通过探讨新疆电网的现状、预测新疆的负荷发展、分析新疆电源发展及电能消纳方案,通过分析比较输电方案得出新疆开都河中游河段输电系统规划以500kV输电为主。 论文的主要研究内容和成果如下: