Study on electrochemical oxidation of phenols by HPLC and its luminescence

来源 :DaLian Internationall Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatogra | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ldpjk77
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  Electrochemical oxidation methods for recalcitrant toxic wastes treatment have attracted a great deal of attention because the methods are environmentally friendly and do not produce new toxic wastes.Chemiluminescence (CL) is a powerful analytical technique that has excellent sensitivity, wide linear dynamic range and requires relatively simple and inexpensive instrumentation.Since chemiluminescence always originates from redox reaction, it probably exists during the process of electrochemical oxidation.The mechanism can be researched through instantaneous and sensitive CL.
  Two major approaches will be presented in this work.First, a novel integrated capillary electrochromatography (CEC)-electrospray ionization (ESI)-mass spect
他们是一群不幸者,灾难给他们留下终生的残疾。既然活着,就只能选择坚强。吴立海眼瞎了,他就在黑暗中摸索,用二胡奏出生命的强音;王宝占腿残了,坐在轮椅上,他举起了3枚世界级的金牌……他们用残疾的身躯书写了自强不息的精神。  吴立海,是一个盲人,一个截瘫的盲人。二胡是他的精神支柱。他和70多名地震受害者,居住在唐山市截瘫疗养院的“家”里,他们唯一相同就是的都是地震导致的截瘫患者,  “精神上很富有,足够
  In this contribution, pharmaceutical applications of modem capillary Gas Chromatography (cGC) are discussed.cGC is compared with more widely used techniques
日本喜剧泰斗、著名作家昭广的成长故事一直是日本的父母教育孩子的样本。  在日本战后那段物质极度匮乏的日子里。这位作家的外婆用信念和智慧精心料理自己的生活,虽然身处困境,却依然用满腔的热情去搜索快乐和幸福,用真心去展露笑容。她不仅仅用自己勤劳的双手把生活打理得温暖而光亮,而且教会了外孙如何在困境中发现幸福和快乐,如何在挫折中保持坚强。  二战结束以后,因为生活的变故,年仅8岁的昭广被寄养在乡下的外婆
  It has become essential in the drug development to quickly separate, quantify and identify all possible impurities within a sample.Apart from fulfilling the
  Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF), a liver disorder that often leads to devastating consequences, is one of the most challenging gastrointestinal emergencies
目的:总结近期国内外三阴性乳腺癌的靶向治疗研究进展。方法:应用Medline、Pub Med、Web of science、CNKI数据库,以“三阴性乳腺癌、基底样乳腺癌和靶向治疗”为关键词,搜索
  The use of a magnetic particle (MP) was investigated to make a packed capillary for chiral separation by capillary electrochromatography (CEC).An avidin coa