Arm Selection and/or Arm Switching Contribute to Dynamic miRNAome and/or IsomiRome

来源 :第六届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会暨国际生物信息学前沿研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zkw8229630
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  Background: Many pre-miRNAs have been reported to yield two kinds of mature miRNAs, although the two products, miR-#-5p and miR-#-3p, may vary in expression levels.Arm selection and/or arm switching in miRNAs may influence miRNA expression profiles.Methods: In the present study, we mainly discussed this under three aspects: ① primary evolutionary analysis of human miRNAs;② evolutionary analysis of miRNAs from different arms across the typical vertebrates;③ expression pattern analysis of miRNAs at the miRNA/isomiR levels using public small RNA sequencing datasets.
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