STING,a surrogate of MAVS, positively regulates MDA5 mediated antiviral response in Chinese tree shr

来源 :首届昆明灵长类动物模型学术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shibihu
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Tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) is currently placed in Order Scandentia and has a wide distribution in Southeast Asia and Southwest China.Due to its unique characteristics,such as small body size,high brain-to-body mass ratio,short reproductive cycle and life span,and low-cost of maintenance,tree shrew has been proposed to be an alternative experimental animal to primates in biomedical research.
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes play a pivotal role in the adaptive immune response among vertebrates.Accordingly,in numerous mammals t
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) animal models are of importance in understanding the pathogenesis and in developing potential therapeutic agents for this disease
A suitable animal model is essential for discovering novel preventive and therapeutic approaches to curing the breast cancer.Tree shrews (Tupaia Belangeri Chine
他是一个农民,却有着企业家的眼光,政治家的高度,苦干巧干,十年如一日,他硬是把地图上必须用放大镜才能找到的南街村打造成了中国的“红色亿元村”。 He is a farmer, but h
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The kinship of nonhuman primates and human is closest.As a extremely valuable experimental animal.Primate resources worldwide and presents a unbalanced distribu