A Geoinformatics based approach for the study of Archaeological Site: Preliminary investigations for

来源 :第四届国际遥感考古会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bangliju
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  Geoinformatics is defined as the technology for collection,processing,and dissemination of geoinformation for managing and monitoring of objects and phenomena.The two basic components involved are data collection and data management.Conventional data collection techniques used in archaeology is timeconsuming and has limitations in terms of accessibility,speed,storage and dissemination.However,recentlymajor advancementsin data collection and interpretation techniques have taken place with the advent of electronic surveying,remote sensing,Global Positioning System (GPS),airborne and terrestrial LiDAR,digital photogrammetry and sub-surface sensing with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).The analysis of collected data can be easily carried out in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment.This paper will present preliminary works related to creation of geospatial database for archaeological investigations at Kaushambi(India) with the help of modern techniques.Kaushambi (25o2030”N,81o2312”E) is situated on the left blank of the river Yamuna at a distance of about 55 km from Allahabad (India) in a south-westerly direction.The first major excavation of Kaushambi site was undertaken by University of Allahabad under the direction of Prof.G.R.Sharma,in 1949 in which about 10% of area was excavated.With the availability of modern data collection and analysis techniques which have facilitated sensing the surface and sub-surface features with the help of Geoinformatics and Ground penetration radar (GPR) techniques,a reinvestigation and fresh interpretation of the site has been initiated.The methodology for the work is divided into the five components(a) Processing of preliminary datausing Google earth,Resourcesat and SRTM data (b) Field work using electronic total stations and GPS (c) Post-processing of field data (d) Preparation of geospatial database( e) Analysis and interpretation of geospatial database.The remains of the ancient Kaushambi city viewed from a distance give the impression of an imposing hillock,which,when approached nearer,reveals itself as a chain of rolling mounds,standing high above the surrounding plains,girdled on the south by the Yamuna.The chain of mounds has a peripheral circuit of about 6.45 km.The rampart proper has an average height of 9 to 10 meters from the surrounding from the field level.The towers or the bastions,however,are considerably higher,those in the north-western corners being as high as 21.33m.The fortified city forms an irregular oblong on the plan.The city was provided with gates on three sides east,north and west.The location of the southern gate cannot be determined on account of the erosion caused by the Yamuna.Besides the bastions,Gates and sub-gates,the city was encircled on three sides by a moat,which,though filled up at places,is still discernible on the northern side.At some points,however,there is evidence of more than one moat.The defences at Kaushambi betray an advanced knowledge of fortification.At places the gates are provided with curtain-walls on the outside,the same being best illustrated near the eastern gate.
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