What decides when marriage ends in the US:An analysis of marriage survival through Bayesian censored

来源 :北京师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haibitian_lan
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This paper aims to ascertain the factors that contribute to divorce in the US.To that end,the paper conducts a survival analysis where the event is defined as ended up divorcing,and censored regression modeling is used to predict the amount of time to that event using couples marital conflict resolving strategies,perceived fairness in domestic tasks,and time spent together.
基于动态监测过程的鼠标追踪技术可以反映认知过程的实时动态,更好的揭示被试在说谎反应中的心理过程,且具有良好的信效度(Freeman,J.B.& Ambady,N.,2010).
目的调查研究初进高原战士心理健康状况、急性轻型高原病(Acute mild altitudedisease,AMAD)发生率及其相关性,为制定干预措施提供科学的理论依据.方法整群抽取初次入藏新兵540 人作为研究对象,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)调查心理健康状况,根据我国AMAD 分度和评分标准判断AMAD 的分度和发生率.结果初次入藏新兵AMAD检出率为19.81%;SCL-90 各因子得分
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