Application of 70kV Combine Iterative Reconstruction Technique in Cardiac Low Dose CT for Children o

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ziyoushenghuozhe
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  Objective To evaluate the application value of 70kV combine iterative reconstruction technique in pediatric cardiac CT compared with 80kV.Methods 73 patients with clinical diagnosis of congenital heart diseaseswere randomly divided into two groups,underwent cardiac CT with 80kV(groupA)and 70kV(groupB),respectively.Both groups were examined by perspective ECG-gated Multidetector-row CT(MDCT),automatic tube current modulation(CARE Dose 4D),and the raw data were underwent SAFIRE(grade 3)iterative reconstruction.CT attenuation value and image noise were measured at muscle of back,the root of ascending aorta,main pulmonary artery,the lumen of left and right ventricular,and fat of chest wall.And CNR was calculated.The image quality was scaled by 5 points(in great arteries and ventricles),or by 3 points(in coronary arteries),it was evaluatedby 2 radiologists back to back.Record CTDIvol,DLPand calculate and compare the effective doses(ED)between 2 groups.Results There were statistically significant differences in CT attenuation value of the great vessels and heart chambers,and image noise between the two groups(P < 0.05).CT attenuation value and image noise of group B were increased about 25-32%compared with group A,but CNR showed no difference between the two groups.(P > 0.05).The image qualities of both groups could meet the need of diagnosis.There were no difference in image quality scale points between the two groups.(P > 0.05)The great vessels(k=0.823),heart chambers(k=0.795),the initial and proximal segments of coronary arteries(k=0.750).CTDIvol(t=8.967,P<0.05),DLP(t=8.773,P<0.05)and ED(t=10.053,P<0.05)of group B were lower than group A by 44%.Conclusion 70kV combine iterative reconstruction technique in pediatric cardiac CT showed significantly decreased radiation dose while the image quality remained reliable for congenital heart disease.
目的 应用宝石CT动态500排扫描技术排除临床提供的可疑肺栓塞患者; 方法 使用宝石CT动态500排扫描技术行肺动脉血管造影(CTPA)扫描,对所有检查的肺动脉CTA病例进行三维重建,完成扫描范围内不同时相的动态观察以及灌注功能观察.扫描时间一般在16~22S,完成3~5重复扫描,选择其中肺动脉显示最佳的一组图象来进行后处理分析,此时期的图象是最充分显示肺动脉及其栓塞状况的. 结果 疑动脉栓塞患者
Purpose To compare spectral CT with high frequency ultrasound for the detection and diagnosis of papillary thyroid microcarcinomas(PTMCs).Materials and methods 31 patients with suspected PTMC underwen
目的 分析放射科护理安全管理中应用PDCA的有效性. 方法 于2014年4月至12月在我院放射科中采取常规护理安全管理,以此作为对照组,于2015年4月至12月在我院放射科中采取PDCA护理安全管理,以此作为实验组,并在护理管理结束后,对比分析两组的不良事件发生率、护理纠纷率及护理质量评分. 结果 实验组的不良事件发生率、护理纠纷率均低于对照组(P<0.05),差异具有统计学意义;实验组的护理质量
Objective Neurobiological mechanisms underlying primary insomnia(PI)are still elusive.The aim of the present study was to provide additional information in functional integration aberration of PI pati
目的 旨在探讨通过外科开胸手术的方法制备犬Stanford B型急性主动脉夹层模型的方法。 材料和方法 选取健康2~3年的杂种犬5只,术前进行高脂饲料喂养8周。对实验犬进行静脉麻醉后,切开肋间肌、胸膜,逐步暴露主动脉,在距左锁骨下动脉远端2~3cm处用0T针斜刺入降主动脉中膜,用冠脉刀迅速切开主动脉管壁全层后,用球囊导管分离主动脉的中膜和内膜,之后用5-0 prolene线缝合动脉外膜和中膜,静脉
目的 探讨肝肺吸虫病的多层螺旋CT(MDCT)和磁共振成像(MRI)的表现特征及病理学基础. 方法 回顾性分析经手术病理证实的19例肝肺吸虫病患者的临床资料、MDCT和MRI的表现特征,并与病理结果进行对照;19例患者中,15例行CT扫描,2例行MRI扫描,2例同时行CT和MRI扫描. 结果 19例患者中15例具有上腹疼痛或不适,4例无症状,16例嗜酸性细胞增高.所有病例共有22个病灶,均位于肝包
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目的 探讨256层CT及多平面重建技术(MPR)在内耳损伤中的临床应用价值。 方法 对9例颞骨外伤同时累及内耳患者进行256层CT颞骨高分辨率轴位扫描。应用Philip工作站,行颞骨(耳蜗、前庭、外半规管、后半规管、前半规管及内听道)多平面重建(MPR)。观察内耳损伤类型及其相邻结构受累的情况。 结果 9例颞骨外伤患者中,横行骨折4例,纵行骨折2例,混合型骨折1例,无明显骨折2例,均合并不同程度的
目的 分析脓毒性肺栓塞(septic pulmonary embolism,SPE)的MSCT征象,探讨SPE的影像特征及MSCT在SPE诊断中的价值. 方法 回顾性分析经临床或/及病理证实的9例SPE患者的临床资料及MSCT影像资料.上述患者采用Simense SOMATOM Definition双源64层CT扫描仪扫描,层厚1~8mm,2例患者行增强扫描,其中1例加做肺动脉CT血管成像(CTP
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